Monday, April 13, 2009

Time to blog

Sitting at work right now, and since its a red day, there is not much to do at all today.
Finally having some spare time at work, and being stuck in front of a computer, gave me no other choice then writing a small post on my blog. right?

at the same time im doing the sick easter event on gaiaonline, 500 easter eggs, you have to find and click, and they only appear like, one pere 30 seconds... it will take forever, but the prize is really, really cute.. so im working on it.
Im also thinking of starting a new forum, i really miss good old fullmoon, which slowly died, and then was removed due to a change on the site it was hosted on. its really sad that i never got to do a backup of the contents :/

oh well,
a nice and warm spring really, makes me all giggly and hyper inside, nice :D
after i get all things cleaned up and sorted out at home i might even draw more, really feel like it nowadays, but never get to do that..
im watching one piece XD
im at ep 105 out of 360 something.. . . heh, so might not be able to draw before thats finished too...
but seriously, home is such a mess. like dishes and used clothes and layers of dust... cant be good xD'' so working on that. ^^

wellwell, dont have much more to write really, maybe i will draw while doing the event instead... <3

Saturday, March 14, 2009

After it all changed

Long time no see dear netblog/diary thingy!

Lots of things has happened since the *checks* 18th of May 08,... Where should i start hmmm..
Well, I can start by telling that i failed the Kanji test, and the kanji retest.
So which means, i failed at japanese. hehe.

Also the new place i am talking about here, where i was supposed to move, was HORRIBLE.. The people there had no respect for other people, and one day we even got eggs thrown in through the window! Stupid kids,... Ive ever been that angry in my life i think...

After living there for a while we moved to Stockholm, living at a guys place... and he then threatened to kill us, so we got help form the police to move from there... i lost my favorite jacket in the process.. its really sad since its now probably burnt or worse.
Psycho guy..

After that i moved to a new horrible place, and lived there for 3 months i think. The person we were renting from was actually going to trick us and was renting out without permission, we found out since the old renter came at the door one day and told us.

I also broke up with my boyfriend a month ago. Its a long story. Too many things that didnt work out and that i regret gving up and a very horrific experience that made me feel that it wont work for much longer.. There are also other things which made me decide to get up and leave, which i have tried several times before. ... well well...
enough about such..

Right now im living with a fantastic guy, whom is my new boyfriend... it all happened so fast so i still find it hard to believe.. but i guess its true.. i hope so atleast.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Another grey day... :/

The weather is just really depressing! XD
argh~.. i guess im really dependant on the weather for my mood.. ^^'
i mean, i love rain. i love storms. i love blue sky and fluffy clouds. even snow.
but this is really just NOTHING D: ... *sigh*

Today i went to look at the new appartment im going to move to from may.. it looks ok i guess, ... but somehow like this place more xD.. this is really the most charmy and calm place in göteborg! ... even though its right next to the graveyard. O_o'' .. (but actually, thats less nasty than i thought when we moved here..)
on the way back to town we could see some kind of big cloud of black smoke, rising up in the distance. must have been a fire or something.. i really wonder what that was. <_<' maybe it'll be news on it later.

havent been able to work more on the cartoon stuff im trying to fix for this blog. because i actually need to study. xD --- the point is, i just cant get myself to do just that... and today especially, i just felt energyless...
ill try to write the text on power in Japan today though. so i can get that out of the way :/
my back hurts too ... ._.' *sigh* ... and i need to find a gift for my brother, since his birthday is coming up. X3'
ahhh anyways- ill stop complaining xD

Biancamella on Gaiaonline finished evloving yesterday. everybody just loves it and the price went up to 200 000g xD shaize. but i would never sell mine, since it was a gift x3' just hope noone tries to hack it away from me D:

hmmm, tried a new kanji game on ds today. maybe ill be able to learn enough for the test if i play it enough xD' ... i hope so...
dont want to fail it. >_<' but i have been really lazy with the kanjis lately.
wellwell.. i better get to study,
or continue playing old Dos games i downloaded yesterday........ xD
aahhahah,. i have no selfcontrol- *sigh*

Friday, April 4, 2008

Trying out my fancy new thingy <3

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Im a real gothic lolita now :3

well, probably you would say no, youre not-
and be angry at me,
but at least i feel myself that way XD and thats what counts!

becaaause; for early white day, Yoshi gave me a headress and some ubercute gloves!!!! O_O <3

here are pics so you can love them too!! <3
first up,
my lovely headress!! <3

actually, its kinda special! because the person Yoshi bought it from made it herself!
so this might be the only one in the world! X#3
i love it so much!! **^^*** i dont care if i look stupid with it on! i have worn it two days to school already XD and even tho people stare - its ok! XD'
(look! i have grown up! i think..... x'DDD ahahahh)
when i wore it at school- the absolute tallest guy in my class- suddenly came over to me at the school cafeteria-
from behind actually o_o;
i could feel someone standing behind me looking at me, so i turned around like this..

...... .. w-what is it?... ; _ ;
and he said like really unclearly in swedish- so you like gothic lolita fashion? :D
i couldnt catch so i said ... what? Dx>
and he said it again and i said- ihihihi yeah! <8D
and then i run over to my friends xD because i got scared D:>
.... i know i shud have acted differently but meh xD' ...
it was scary .. :P

here are the gloves:

they are so cute *^^* and elegant!
they are the perfect pair of gloves i have been searching for! <3
and theres text and wings- printed on them *^^*
soooo cute <3

Im so happy *^^*

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Some random things <3

Like i mentioned earlier i wanted to draw myself mahora-akamatsu style-
i tried, but without reference, so i dont know if its so good.. ^^'
at least it helped cure a little bit of boredom at school :3' *nod*

the result is here:

i know it doesnt reeeeaally look like his style... but,,
i thought it turned out ok X#3
(ah, and i kinda have that jacket, boots and skirt, :3 and hairdo :3 kinda.)

and i also told about the brooch and glasses case i bought some time ago :3
heres a pic.

i also took a pic of two "how to draw manga books" i bought on a sale some days ago, and a necklace i made today...

about the books, both of them cost 100kr! (one 40kr and the other 60kr!)
original price is 249kr each! i was sooo lucky! and both of them is very useful!
the right one is good for inspiration for characters, and the left one really just inspired me to start drawing! i have been down in a dump lately, but im trying to crawl out of it the best i can... X3' hopefully i will have some stuff ready later "this week"...
not my main big project, but some small strips with my two fav. oc's. *^^*

the necklace is in norways national colours. XD i realized today, that since i probably wont be in Norway on the 17 of may, which is the norwegian national day, i wont be able to partake in the celebrations that happen each year... that really sucks, because i've gotten so used to it being a sign of spring, and also every year i spend it with my friends, sleepover, barbecue or other fun things...
anyway, point is, this necklace will be my own silent celebration. ...
smart huh? *^^* ill wear my countrys colours around my neck to show that i remember 17'th of may *^^* wonder if someone will notice... at least they might figure out im from norway xP
and i shud eat hot dog like i do every year! and wear something too warm/ too cold/ too sunburnrisky/ too strange- like i do almost every year xD lol...
probably it will be springyspring by may, i cant wait! *^^*
hmm, i guess living here in sweden makes me more nationalistic xD
cant say i cared too much about that day before....

ah, that remind me of the comic i made some days ago... xD
i guess i can post, but keep in mind it was made on a peculiary sunny day of february ok? :P

here it is:

no colouring.. i know.. X3'
*lazyness overkill*
at least i scanned it!
ah, and its supposed to be funny btw :3
like; because Al Gore mENTIOned the global warming, it happens X3
as for me mentioning that its spring but probably will get cold again, that happened too- so the comic doesnt really have any meaning anymore, since its kinda winterish again ._.'
but its funny how things happen when u say it, or things do excactly opposite of what you predict right?
the stuff "up there" sure has a mean sense of humour..

ah, and today i cut myself X3'
i was making dinner today, and then i were going to wash the stuff i used,
and i was really careless while washing the knife... and i cut myself on the finger... T-T *has bandage on*
im so stupid

Monday, February 25, 2008


i really love the area around my university!
it feels so educational and such xD'
reminds me of the mahora academy from negima, makes me feel like one of the mahora girls! X3'
(yes i am sleepy)
maybe ill draw myself in akamatsu style tomorrow :3'

today i found out that the video rental shop next to my busstop at school is closing...
i have been smelling it for a while because there were never any customers there, as far as i saw anyway, and also they had a big sale last week.
well, you might think, so what?
but the fact is that some weeks ago i went in there one day because it was raining outside while i was waiting for the bus, and it was like 10 min til it was supposed to come. they had a sale on icecream that was left from the summer, and i bought two that i were supposed to bring home.
the man behind the counter was very nice, and even wrapped the ices in several plastic bags so that they would not melt on the 45 min trip i have to take to get home.
it worked, and i thought to myself i should go and tell him thanks for doing that for me, and tell him that it worked... but now i dont have that chance anymore... :/
i feel so sad when such things happen... probably he would not remember, but at least ive been there some times hiding from the bad weather outside, waiting for my bus. and we always talked about something.
now i have to wait outside in the cold. :/
that sucks.

anyway. today a drunk guy approached me and started babbling.
im that kinda person who actually answers, i guess im too polite.
and of course, then the person continues talking,
about his life, how young i am, about all my life in front of me and such.
he said he was 71 and ready for the museum. while im, 19, have every opportunity to do anything with my life.
yes. i do have that. but its too much responsibility.
i just feel stress when people say such. because until now, i have wasted soo much time. and i have ENJOYED it.
at least another woman came too, so he talked to her too.
that was nice. because it feels so awkward standing there talking to a such guy all alone.
but i dont think he was any threat.
like the other woman said to me when we got onto the bus, its nice when people talk... just not really that kinda people...

i babble today...
oh and i made a little drawing today, ill post it tomorrow,. ^^